The "Excellence in Practice in the Turkish Fuel Oil Sector Award" came to OPET, which closed last year with a market share of 17.8% in total sales, from the Frost & Sullivan market research and consultancy company of US origin. OPET General Manager Cüneyt Ağca, who received the award at the ceremony organized in London, said, "We have consolidated our leadership in customer satisfaction as well as successful financial results, with the significance we attach to qualified services offered to the customers and social responsibility."
The innovative and powerful brand of the fuel oil sector, OPET was found worthy of the “2017 Excellence in Practice in the Turkish Fuel Oil Sector - Leadership in Customer Satisfaction Award” by the Frost & Sullivan market research and consultancy company for its approaches that improve customer experience and superior and innovative services. OPET General Manager Cüneyt Ağca, who received the award at the ceremony organized in London, said "This award that came while we rapidly carry our studies a step further means the acknowledgment of OPET’s activities and growth strategy at the international platform. This award is a strong indicator of our devotion to offer the best service to our customers, employees, investors and the public."
According to the statement made by Frost & Sullivan, the studies that have carried OPET to this award in 2017 were defined as ‘Technological Services- Smart Fueling System- ‘Call Center and Dealer Applications' and ‘Social Responsibility studies – Clean Toiler Campaign'. Frost & Sullivan, which measures the quality of the services offered to the customer and their impact on the customer and found OPET worthy of an award in the latest analysis it made in the Turkish fuel oil sector, noted the following in the made statement: “ While OPET continues to increase its market share with a widespread station network and value added services that observe consumer needs, it evaluates the data with insight and develops different services for its customers with its technological infrastructure. This understanding of OPET, which closely follows up on its customers, makes measurements as specific for each customer and offers collaborations and campaigns that are compatible with their shopping habits, has ensured that it does not let go of leadership and is the brand that comes to the minds first in customer satisfaction surveys. On the other hand, OPET focuses on social responsibility projects and makes substantial contributions in the living standards of its country. The Clean Toilet Campaign qualifies as an important social initiative with the hygiene trainings given in schools and various organizations throughout the entire country as well as improving the station toilets in its sector. Opet Petrolcülük A.Ş. has been thus found worthy of the 2017 Excellence in Practice Award of Frost & Sullivan.”
The studies that carried OPET to the award are as follows:
- OPET appended its signature under a first with the 'Smart Fueling System' developed in 2017. It has implemented the 'Smart Fueling System' that records the vehicles of the customers in the pump system in the electronic media and matches the license plates with the fuel types. While the system increased automation and speed in fueling systems, it also eliminated the probability of delivering the incorrect type of fuel at the stations. The vehicles of all OPET customers included in the system are recognized by the fuel pump from their license plates and the delivery of the matched products is guaranteed. The system gives a warning and prevents faults in case there is an attempt to deliver a fuel that is different from the one recorded in the system during fueling.
- OPET has also allocated time and resources for additional services that create added value such as responding to customer demands quickly by the Call Center. It has reduced the customer response time by benefiting from solutions such as computer-telephone integration, which is interconnected with the customer loyalty and station automation systems, and dynamic interactive voice response system. While the teams in the field are able to ensure real-time access to customer complaints from the online portal of the company, the dealers are able to communicate with the head office more quickly and efficiently through the portal designed for them.
- OPET, which first started the work from its own stations with the Clean Toilet Campaign that is continued since 2000, has expanded toilet cleanness and hygiene and managed to make it permanent. One-to-one cleanness and hygiene trainings were given to 9.5 individuals with the campaign that is continued for 18 years in Turkey in general. A significant awareness has been raised on cleanness and hygiene with the collaborations made with many organizations from the public and private sectors, as well as the seminars held in schools. The campaign was also invited by the Turkish Standards Institute. The campaign standards were made obligatory by the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the toilets of workplaces and restaurants, as well as public toilets.
Cüneyt Ağca: We are the Brand with the Highest Customer Loyalty for 12 Years
OPET General Manager Cüneyt Ağca gave information on OPET at the press conference held in the London office of OPET prior to the award ceremony: “We have increased our market share in 2017 with our widespread station network and our practices that observe consumer needs within the scope of our perfect service understanding. We continued to grow in parallel with our sector, which grew by 8 percent as compared to the previous year, in compliance with our controlled growth objective. Meanwhile, out turnover materialized as 28.4 billion TL in 2017. We pose as the 2nd largest company of our sector with a market share of 17.8 percent in all sales. Ağca, who also emphasized that they are the only domestic company among the major actors of the sector, noted that OPET has more than 1500 stations together with the SUNPET brand, and gave the following information: “The significance we attached to customer satisfaction and social responsibility projects has both reflected positively on our balance and we consolidated our leadership in customer satisfaction. As a company, which lends an ear to its customer's voice and understands his expectations, we created a difference in the business world by our innovative studies, and our result-focused, long-term and inclusive social responsibility projects.
Ağca, who underlined that the fuel oil sector is a sector that is dominated by variable factors and active dynamics, summarized their objectives for 2018 as follows: “We aim to increase our market share to more than 18 percent in 2018 by maintaining and promoting the increased value of our brand in the sector and the eyes of our customers. We plan to add 77 new stations to our available network. Our widespread dealer network offering services all over Turkey, our high storage capacity at five different locations, our powerful and assuring structure with our THY OPET aviation fuel company established in cooperation with THY in jet fuel and the OPET Fuchs company in cooperation with Fuchs, which is one of the largest companies of the world in mineral oils, enable us to advance further with every passing day. We closed last year with 33 awards; we will add new ones to our awards also in 2018. On the other hand, we will continue our result focused social responsibility studies, which are our most important features that differentiate our brand from the competitors, without pausing and also continue to increase the share of OPET in the hearts."
OPET General Manager Ağca continued as follows: “OPET once more took the summit in the recently announced "2017 Turkey Customer's Voice Research" that is a collective study carried out by KalDer and Ipsos. With this result, we maintained our successful position at the peak of customer satisfaction since 2006 according to the customer satisfaction and commitment researches conducted by KalDer, for the 12th year. And our sector leadership in customer services was acknowledged at the international scale by being found worthy of an award by Frost & Sullivan that analyzed the Turkish fuel oil sector. This award that is given to companies that demonstrate leadership in regional and global markets, and outstanding achievement and superior performance in fields such as innovative technologies, customer services and strategic product development, added strength to the strength of OPET. We aim to continue as the unchanging leader of our sector by maintaining the satisfaction and loyalty we generated in our customers, also in 2018. We also plan to open to international markets in the coming period, as the powerful brand of Turkey. We aim to continue our growth with acquisitions and collaborations that have been on our agenda for a long time.””
1,800 Analysts are Employed in the Branches of Frost &Amp; Sullivan, Spread to more than 40 Countries
Frost & Sullivan, which monitors a variety of sectors including automotive, health, information technologies and communication technologies, operates as a leading market research and consultancy firm for 57 years. 1,800 analysts are employed in the Santa Fe, California based Frost & Sullivan’s branches, spreading to more than 40 countries. The Frost & Sullivan Best Practice Awards are given to successful studies that are exemplary in various sectors and functional disciplines, for 18 years. Frost & Sullivan researches the best practices in order to identify innovation and leadership in the fields of company, product, process and management.